UM Professor Recipient of Ocean Sciences Rachel Carson Lecture from the American Geophysical Union

Claire Paris-Limouzy recognized for her outstanding contributions to the field of ocean science
UM Professor Recipient of Ocean Sciences Rachel Carson Lecture from the American Geophysical Union
Professor Claire Paris-Limouzy

MIAMI—August 13, 2018 – University of Miami’s (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Professor Claire Paris-Limouzy was selected for the American Geophysical Union’s (AGU) Ocean Sciences 2018 Rachel Carson Lecture. Each year, AGU recognize outstanding scientists within their field for contributing meritorious work or service toward the advancement and promotion of discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. The person chosen to present the lecture is a female scientist who exemplifies Rachel Carson’s work with cutting-edge ocean science, especially science relevant to societal concerns. Paris-Limouzy will be honored during AGU’s Fall Meetingin December 2018 in Washington, D.C.

Paris-Limouzy is a professor in the UM Rosenstiel School’s department of ocean sciences. Her early studies on the transport dynamics of fish larvae set the groundwork that led to an unprecedented outlook on larval migration and marine population connectivity. Paris-Limouzy developed  numerical and empirical Lagrangian tools that she distributed freely to be used worldwide. She released the open-source Connectivity Modeling System (CMS), a state-of-the-art, probabilistic Lagrangian application that virtually tracks biotic and abiotic particles in the ocean. The CMS is used by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to improve predictions of recruitment indices of commercial species, and by the scientific community to track plankton migrations, map population connectivity to design marine reserve networks, study paleo-climate, and track pollutants including oil spills to micro-plastics and large marine debris.

Paris-Limouzy pioneered the concept of Lagrangian behavioral chambers to detect the navigation of planktonic organisms in response to environmental cues. She designed and built a series of trademarked Drifting In situ Chamber (DISC) instruments, that are distributed to overseas laboratories for plankton research. Paris-Limouzy leads a team of Postdoctoral Fellows and Graduate Students at the Physical-Biological Interactions Laboratory where the CMS is maintained and the DISC is produced.

Paris-Limouzy joined the faculty of the UM Rosenstiel School in 2009 with a focus on dispersion at sea and planktonic migrations. She brought recognition to the key role of biophysical interactions between planktonic organisms and the pelagic environment on the resilience of marine ecosystems to stressors such as overexploitation, marine pollution, and changes in climatic conditions. With more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, many in high impact journals, her contributions to ocean science is internationally recognized. She has participated in more than 24 oceanographic and ichthyoplankton expeditions in the Florida Straits, the Great Barrier Reef, the Caribbean, the Red Sea, the Indo-Pacific, the Mediterranean Sea, and Norwegian fjords.

After the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf Of Mexico (GoM), Paris and her team developed a state-of-the-art oil spill simulator for deep-sea blowout through NSF-RAPID and GoMRI awards. Paris is the lead PI of the Near- and Far-field Modeling Task of the GoMRI C-IMAGE Consortium and a Co-PI in the UM RECOVER Consortium. She collaborates with scientists from the Western University of Australia (UWA), the Hamburg University of Technology  (TUHH), the University of Calgary (UC), and Texas A&M University (TAMU).

Paris-Limouzy is the President-Elect of the Early Life History Section of the American Fishery Society and Associate Editor of  Frontiers Journal of Marine Sciences.

“The individuals selected for the 2018 section awardees and named lecturers are among the best and brightest in their scientific fields,” said Eric Davidson, AGU President. “To be named and recognized from among their scientific peer groups is a testament to their innovative research, leadership, and accomplishments. I congratulate Professor Claire Paris on this honor and thank her for her contribution to society.”

“I am deeply honored and humbled to receive this award. Rachel Carson understood profoundly our oceans and the natural world, establishing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). I am up to contribute to her efforts, thanks to my team of awesome postdocs, alumni, and collaborators”

The AGU Fall Meeting is the largest worldwide conference in the Earth and space sciences, attracting more than 20,000 scientists, educators, students, and other leaders. For years, energized and passionate Earth and space scientists from around the world gather at the AGU Fall Meeting to connect with colleagues, broaden their knowledge base, and embrace the joy of science.
