Topic: Research

Uncovering new insights about native palms

Biology senior Isabella Childress is interning at one of South Florida’s oldest palm collections and hopes to glean new knowledge about a species known as the Miami palmetto.

Uncovering new insights about native palms

Biology senior Isabella Childress is interning at one of South Florida’s oldest palm collections and hopes to glean new knowledge about a species known as the Miami palmetto.

Using technology to analyze green space

University of Miami student Sophia Plancich is employing satellite images to track decades of changes in green space and development in Baltimore City, Maryland.

Using technology to analyze green space

University of Miami student Sophia Plancich is employing satellite images to track decades of changes in green space and development in Baltimore City, Maryland.

On a Black Sea dive, this archeologist makes quite a find

University of Miami graduate student Efrain Ocasio joined an international student dive expedition in Bulgaria this summer that uncovered the foundation of a centuries-old fortress wall buried by the shifting seas.

On a Black Sea dive, this archeologist makes quite a find

University of Miami graduate student Efrain Ocasio joined an international student dive expedition in Bulgaria this summer that uncovered the foundation of a centuries-old fortress wall buried by the shifting seas.

Illuminating photochemistry for new audiences

Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy, a professor in the Department of Chemistry, received a Fulbright Scholar Award to teach photochemistry and conduct research at a university in the Czech Republic.

Illuminating photochemistry for new audiences

Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy, a professor in the Department of Chemistry, received a Fulbright Scholar Award to teach photochemistry and conduct research at a university in the Czech Republic.

Investigating the genesis of hurricanes

Quinton Lawton, a recent Ph.D. graduate of the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, studies the way in which Kelvin waves can influence the formation of tropical cyclones.

Investigating the genesis of hurricanes

Quinton Lawton, a recent Ph.D. graduate of the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, studies the way in which Kelvin waves can influence the formation of tropical cyclones.

What’s in the sludge? This intern seeks to know.

Together with a cohort of students from around the country, Jessica Jarratt is interning in a marine science laboratory in Virginia, quantifying and characterizing microplastics in biosolids.

What’s in the sludge? This intern seeks to know.

Together with a cohort of students from around the country, Jessica Jarratt is interning in a marine science laboratory in Virginia, quantifying and characterizing microplastics in biosolids.

New study provides enhanced understanding of tropical atmospheric waves

Findings has critical implications for predicting extreme weather events such as hurricanes and heavy rainfall

New study provides enhanced understanding of tropical atmospheric waves

Findings has critical implications for predicting extreme weather events such as hurricanes and heavy rainfall

The corals of the future

A Rosenstiel School research team recently imported dozens of live corals from Tela Bay, Honduras, known for its warm and murky waters, to breed them with Florida corals in an effort to make more resilient offspring.

The corals of the future

A Rosenstiel School research team recently imported dozens of live corals from Tela Bay, Honduras, known for its warm and murky waters, to breed them with Florida corals in an effort to make more resilient offspring.

UM SONHS Ph.D. Student Jazmin Ramirez Awarded Prestigious NIH Award

The grant will support research on how extreme heat exposure interacts with other environmental factors to impact pregnancy and maternal health.

UM SONHS Ph.D. Student Jazmin Ramirez Awarded Prestigious NIH Award

The grant will support research on how extreme heat exposure interacts with other environmental factors to impact pregnancy and maternal health.

Amplifying research that reaches the public

The University of Miami’s Center for HIV and Research in Mental Health is hosting its first weeklong program to train researchers in implementation science methods to help end the HIV epidemic.

Amplifying research that reaches the public

The University of Miami’s Center for HIV and Research in Mental Health is hosting its first weeklong program to train researchers in implementation science methods to help end the HIV epidemic.

Social Justice Prize honors two exceptional projects

This prize funds innovative projects that address social and environmental justice through the lens of architecture.

Social Justice Prize honors two exceptional projects

This prize funds innovative projects that address social and environmental justice through the lens of architecture.

PRIDE in Research

SONHS celebrates National Pride Month with an update on studies aimed at advancing equity and improving health outcomes throughout the LGBTQ+ community.

PRIDE in Research

SONHS celebrates National Pride Month with an update on studies aimed at advancing equity and improving health outcomes throughout the LGBTQ+ community.

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