History Professor Kate Ramsey Named Gabelli Senior Scholar

Coral Gables, FL – August 5, 2015 – Associate Professor of History Kate Ramsey has received the Gabelli Senior Scholar Award from the UM College of Arts & Sciences.
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The award recognizes a faculty member at the associate level for interdisciplinary scholarship, outstanding contributions to the College and the University of Miami, and exceptional promise of future success.


“I am extremely honored and grateful to be a recipient of the Gabelli Senior Scholar Award. I feel very fortunate to work in a department and at a university that value interdisciplinary scholarship and teaching,” Ramsey said. 

Ramsey is a scholar of Caribbean history and culture, with a particular focus on Haiti. Her research and teaching interests include the politics of religion, law and performance; Caribbean intellectual history; histories of health and healing; and the relationship between anthropology and history.

Ramsey’s first book, The Spirits and the Law: Vodou and Power in Haiti, examines the history and legacies of penal laws against ritual practices in Haiti. It was awarded several prizes, including the 2011 Berkshire Book Prize from the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians and the 2013 Haitian Studies Association Book Prize.

Her current project focuses on Afro-Caribbean spiritual practice and Enlightenment thought, focusing on 18th-Century Saint-Domingue and Jamaica.

Ramsey received her Ph.D. from Columbia University in 2002.

The Gabelli award is a three-year appointment, which carries an annual research stipend of $5,000.

August 04, 2015
