Ben Kingsley

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Ben Kingsley had fiction, non-fiction, and (mainly) poetry published by The American Journal of Poetry, Hotel Amerika, the Iowa Review, LittlePatuxent Review, Narrative Magazine, New American Writing, Ninth Letter, Oxford Poetry, PANK, PEN America, Pleiades, the Poetry Review, Prairie Schooner, PRISMInternational, Red Ink: the International Journal of Indigenous Literature, Sugar House Review, & Water-StoneReview, among others. He was awarded three fellowships: the Fine Arts Work Center Fellowship in Provincetown, the Exeter Fellowship, and the Tickner Fellowship. He chose to accept the latter which will begin in Baltimore this fall—where he will also be teaching a senior-level course in fiction writing at University of Maryland’s Honors College. He will be a Kundiman fellow this summer, and recently learned that he received a full scholarship to attend the Tin House summer workshop with Natalie Diaz.