International recognition for legal culture

haack award

On March 12, 2020, Professor Susan Haack was awarded the Premio internacional de cultura jurídica by the Catedra de cultura jurídica at the University of Girona, Spain, for her work in evidence law and legal philosophy. 

“Naturally, I am delighted by this recognition from a group of well-respected European scholars,” said Haack, who is Distinguished Professor in the Humanities, Cooper Senior Scholar in Arts and Sciences, professor of philosophy, and professor of law at the University of Miami. 

She teaches both in the College of Arts and Sciences and in the School of Law. Her work ranges from philosophy of logic and language, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, Pragmatism—both philosophical and legal—and the law of evidence, especially scientific evidence, to social philosophy, feminism, and philosophy of literature.

Haack’s new book, Filosofía del derecho y de la prueba: Perspectivas pragmatistas was also launched at the award ceremony.

According to the University of Girona's website, “awards that recognize these aspects of professional careers emphasize the importance of law for coexistence and progress, and highlight the extent to which legal culture is indispensable in resolving social conflicts and alienating any form of violence in society…The recipients of this award must have had unquestionable careers of international distinction in the world of law."

In 2016, Professor Haack received the prestigious Ulysses medal from the University College Dublin in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the arts, in particular, philosophy.

Her books include Philosophy of LogicsDeviant Logic, Fuzzy Logic: Beyond the FormalismEvidence and InquiryManifesto of a Passionate ModerateDefending Science—Within ReasonPragmatism, Old and NewPutting Philosophy to WorkCiencia, sociedad y culturaEvidence Matters: Science, Proof, and Truth in the Law; and (in 2015) Perspectivas Pragmatistas da Filosofia do Direito (São Leopoldo, Brazil: Editora UNISINOS) and Legalizarre l’epistemologia (Milan, Italy: Università Bocconi).

Professor Haack has also published more than 220 articles in a wide range of philosophical, legal, literary, scientific, and general-interest journals, along with an even larger number of reprints, translations, etc. Her work has appeared in 17 languages in 32 countries.



