5 Questions: Mina Teicher, Program Director for WIMSA

5 questions
Mina Teicher, standing center/right, with the first WIMSA event: Playing with Braids.

1. What is WIMSA?
WIMSA, Advancing Women in Mathematics Across the Americas, is an initiative at the Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas (IMSA). Its mission is to empower women and girls in mathematics at every stage of their educational development, from high school to various stages of academia and knowledge-based industries.

2. Why are women underrepresented in mathematics?

Although women are as talented as men in math, they are underrepresented in the field, in universities, and in the job market. This is due to wrong societal perceptions that influence women’s choices in high school (even if they are talented in math), as well as to gender discrimination in employment. The number of women in math is decreasing as they move from high school to college. We call this the “leaking pipeline,” and it has many holes. Advancing women in math is important for young women’s careers and for society’s need to have math graduates in cybersecurity jobs, robotics, finance, and more.

3. What are your personal goals for WIMSA?

I was successful in making a change in other countries, and I trust I will make a change in Miami. Indeed, it is a major challenge involving multiple systems (schools, universities, the employment field, etc.). Following my past successes, I was invited by UM leadership to build and lead a program promoting and advancing women in mathematics. I took the challenge and created a five-year master plan with “6 Modules” addressing the different stages of the “leaking pipeline.”

4. What has WIMSA accomplished so far?
The first year was very intense. We planned the “6 Modules” and started work on the first five module ideas: Girls are for STEM; Math is for the Future; Role Model; Female Keynotes in Research Conferences; International Outreach; and MiMuMa, the Miami Museum of Mathematics at the University of Miami. To see all the modules, visit imsa.miami.edu/wimsa.

5. How do these modules support WIMSA’s goals?
These modules are fundamental to WIMSA’s mission. “Girls are for STEM” addresses the importance of keeping girls interested in math during high school and granting them college credits in the process. “Math is for the Future,” designed for female undergraduate math students, was created to organize special events on contemporary themes in mathematics and provide a head start to math careers. The “Role Models” module utilizes successful women mathematicians as role models and mentors. The inaugural conference “Math Is Everywhere,” featured over a dozen women in math as guest speakers