Jack And Harriet Rosenfeld Foundation Program in Jewish Education

The Jack and Harriet Rosenfeld Foundation Program in Jewish Education at the University of Miami School of Education and Human Development was established in 2009 to support and enhance education in the Jewish schools throughout South Florida.
Jack and Harris

The Foundation's Program at UM owes a debt of gratitude to its trustees, Dr. Jay Kaufman, and Lynn W. Fromberg, as well as to the leaders of the University of Miami School of Education and Human Development, headed by Dean Isaac Prilleltensky.

Our Mission

  • To provide educators in Jewish schools with learning opportunities to engage and inspire Jewish children in the remarkable legacy of Judaism, its contributions to all aspects of life, and its moral and ethical principles that have shaped the world.
  • To instill in students an appreciation and love for the richness of Jewish thought, text, values, culture, and history.
  • To inspire students to live their lives with a commitment to humanity.

Our Vision

  • To provide educators with a major, sustainable platform that includes dynamic, engaging, thought-provoking resources that blend Jewish wisdom, ethics, and values with child centered pedagogy.
  • To provide a myriad of opportunities to empower learners to become “agents of change.”
Since its inception, the Rosenfeld Foundation Program has grown exponentially, impacting teaching and learning in Jewish schools not only in South Florida, but throughout the United States. A large part of this is due to the design and development of the website, Jewish Learning Matters (JLM).


JLM is a dynamic, growing website supporting educators as they continually develop curricular materials and teaching strategies consistent with the skills and tools necessary for 21st-century learning. JewishLearningMatters.com includes a searchable bank of peer-reviewed resources, including lessons, songs, stories, projects, crafts, videos, and research-based strategies to extend and expand learning in Jewish thought, text, values, and history. This design encourages and enables users to connect, collaborate, and contribute in a digital world.

With a bank of over 2,000 resources, JewishLearningMatters.com has been accessed by over 120,000 users in academic and geographically diverse Jewish educational communities, locally, nationally, and globally. While there are websites that support Jewish education, the following benefits are unique to JLM:

  • JLM’s database and advanced search functionality allow educators to quickly access a variety of resources in Jewish values, holidays, Hebrew Bible, history, prayer, customs, and traditions.
  • Each resource is carefully evaluated for quality, accuracy, educational value, age appropriateness, focus, and ability to deliver education through a Jewish lens.
  • JLM users can offer input to strengthen the resources, ask questions that guide them in implementing the resources, and modify and adapt resources for specific needs.
  • The JLM database has become a central location for educators to access a wide variety of resources. Jewish organizations around the country are cross-linking and sharing content. It is clear that JLM is building a strong and meaningful reputation in the Jewish educational community.
  • JLM has forged relationships with nationally recognized organizations including: JTeach.org; PJ Library; ADL, theicenter.org; G-dcast.com; ValuesandEthics.org; Jewish Women’s Archives; Keshet, MyJewishLearning.com; Jewish Partisans Educational Foundation; LearningToGive.org, with more being added regularly.

More information can be accessed at: jewishlearningmatters.com
