Getting to know U: Winston Warrior


Winston Warrior

Strategic Communications, Marketing and Planning

What is your favorite vacation spot? OR Where is the most interesting place you’ve visited?

Turks and Caicos. There’s something about the beauty of the island the warmth of the people there that make it a standout. The sand having a pink hue and the tasty “Mules” that are unique to the island don’t hurt either!

What is your favorite movie and why?

The Color Purple. M…I…S…T…E…R (period). Lol

What is your favorite hobby or thing to do on weekends?

I love tennis. I belonged to three amateur tennis leagues prior to moving back to Miami. I love to play, watch and attend tennis matches. When I’m not on the court on the weekends, you can find on a patio or on the beach.

What is special about the place you grew up? OR What is your favorite childhood memory?

Peace up, A-Town down. I am a proud native of Atlanta GA. It has so much cultural history and carries an esteemed legacy for African-Americans.

What is something nobody would guess about you (that you are willing to disclose!)?

I am an entertainer as well as a professor and consultant; with two albums, I had a single to reach #27 Billboard’s R&B charts, and I model as a social media and brand micro-influencer.

What was your first impression of UM (or SEHD) when you first started working/going to school here?

What a beautiful gem and special place at The U! Now, we just need more people to learn about the magic that takes place here.
