AES Educational Foundation awards Frost music engineering students

The Audio Engineering Society (AES), the premier organization for music engineers both in academia and industry, has recognized three students from the Frost School’s Music Engineering Program (MUE) for their outstanding achievements.
AES Educational Foundation awards Frost music engineering students
The Frost School of Music congratulates Akshada Bandekar, M.S. ’23, on receiving the 2021 AES Educational Foundation Emil Torick Award; Jigar Rajpopat, M.S. ’22, the recipient of the 2021 AES Educational Foundation Scholarship and Hyunjoung Yang, M.S. ’22, on his 2020 AES Educational Foundation Tom Kite Scholarship.

"These 3 awards are unprecedented,” states Christopher Bennett, Professor of the Music Engineering Technology Program. "Our MUE program has set the NASM standards for music technology studies and this represents an acknowledgment of the high caliber of graduate student that our program attracts."

Scholarship recipient Jigar Rajpopat stated: "Joining Frost has been one of the pivotal and transformative moments in my life due to the excellent quality of education provided by the faculty of the Music Engineering Technology department. The contribution of my professors and Frost to this award and eventually to my career in audio technology is truly admirable!"

Akshada Bandekar, who begins her Frost Music Engineering studies in the fall stated: "It has always been my dream to get to study at a highly-acclaimed institution like Frost that has pioneered education in the field of music engineering! This AES award has motivated me even more, to work hard and contribute to the values and achievements of this great school."
