“Receiving the Dissertation Fellowship is an honor I do not take lightly”, states Michael Dudley. “I am incredibly excited to take my research to the next level over this year, so that I may help as many musicians and educators as I possibly can. My topic centers on Digital Audio Workstation technology, and how we can use it to improve instrumental music study to better facilitate our music-making together. Though the work on my dissertation is my own, I couldn’t have reached this point without the help and guidance of the truly world-class Frost faculty. It is because of what I’ve learned here at The Frost School of Music that I feel I can change the world through music and scholarship, and thanks to the University of Miami Dissertation Fellowship, I am all the more empowered to make that change.”
Brian Lynch, Professor of Jazz Trumpet, stated: “Congratulations to Michael Dudley for winning this prestigious fellowship! I’ve had the utmost respect and admiration for Michael throughout the five years that I have worked together with him as a Masters’ student and Doctoral candidate in my studio, as well as my teaching assistant. His talent, scholarship, and intellect have been a consistent source of inspiration to me personally, and his dedication and service to Frost as a student leader has been a vital resource to our school in a time of challenge. He is one of the finest people that I have had the pleasure to know in all my years of teaching, and I consider him as a full colleague, fellow musical explorer, and friend. Michael is an exemplar of the very best our school and university have to offer. Well-deserved and well done, Michael!”