Frost student awarded first dissertation fellowship

The Frost School of Music congratulates Michael Dudley, M.M. ’18, on receiving the prestigious Dissertation Fellowship Award from the University of Miami Graduate School and becoming the first Frost school student to be awarded this honor.
Frost student awarded first dissertation fellowship
The Dissertation Fellowship is intended to support recipients in their final year of writing and defending their dissertations, without the obligation of teaching, research, or graduate assignment. The Fellowship Award period began in August 2021 and will conclude in May 2022.

“Receiving the Dissertation Fellowship is an honor I do not take lightly”, states Michael Dudley. “I am incredibly excited to take my research to the next level over this year, so that I may help as many musicians and educators as I possibly can. My topic centers on Digital Audio Workstation technology, and how we can use it to improve instrumental music study to better facilitate our music-making together. Though the work on my dissertation is my own, I couldn’t have reached this point without the help and guidance of the truly world-class Frost faculty. It is because of what I’ve learned here at The Frost School of Music that I feel I can change the world through music and scholarship, and thanks to the University of Miami Dissertation Fellowship, I am all the more empowered to make that change.”

Brian Lynch, Professor of Jazz Trumpet, stated: “Congratulations to Michael Dudley for winning this prestigious fellowship! I’ve had the utmost respect and admiration for Michael throughout the five years that I have worked together with him as a Masters’ student and Doctoral candidate in my studio, as well as my teaching assistant. His talent, scholarship, and intellect have been a consistent source of inspiration to me personally, and his dedication and service to Frost as a student leader has been a vital resource to our school in a time of challenge. He is one of the finest people that I have had the pleasure to know in all my years of teaching, and I consider him as a full colleague, fellow musical explorer, and friend. Michael is an exemplar of the very best our school and university have to offer. Well-deserved and well done, Michael!”
