Six Music Faculty Awarded Provost’s Research Awards for 2022

The Frost School of Music at the University of Miami is pleased to announce six prominent members of its faculty have been granted the University of Miami Provost’s Research Awards for 2022.
Six Music Faculty Awarded Provost’s Research Awards for 2022
Professor Carlos Abril, Associate Dean for Research with Professor Stephen F. Zdzinski

Provost’s Research Awards provide internal funding to foster excellence in research and creative scholarship at the University of Miami. Each of the award recipients are leading researchers, published authors, award-winning performance artists, and thought leaders in the world of higher music education. The grants will provide them with supplemental salary and direct research support during the 2022-23 academic year while they are simultaneously teaching at the University.

“The Provost Research Awards has financially supported the widely diverse types of scholarship and creative activity of music faculty: from CD projects that have gone on to win GRAMMY® awards to books published by premiere publishers of music scholarship,” states awardee Carlos Abril, Frost School’s Associate Dean for Research. “This important institutional investment is significant in energizing faculty to start or complete new research and creative projects that have an impact on the music world and continue to elevate the reputation of the Frost School and its faculty.”

A complete list of the Frost faculty recipients and the projects they were awarded the Provost Research Award Grant for 2022 follows:

Associate Dean for Research Professor Carlos Abril
Music Education
Tuning In: Marginalized Voices in Music Education

Professor Brian Lynch
Studio Music & Jazz
An Integrated Method for Jazz Trumpet Instruction with Immersive and Interactive Capabilities

Professor Steven Zdzinski
Music Education & Music Therapy
Creation of a Research Procedures Textbook, Research Procedures in Music

Associate Professor Brian Powell
Instrumental Performance
The Pulcinella Project: A Double Bass Album Featuring Stravinsky's Sources and Works Associated with the Music of "Pulcinella"

Associate Professor Marysol Quevedo
Cuban Music Counterpoints: Classical Music Networks Before and During the Cold War

Associate Professor Aaron Tindall
Instrumental Performance
"At the Ballet": A Premiere Recording of the Orchestral Tuba

“It is truly an honor to receive this award,” states Professor Brian Lynch, Studio Instructor of Jazz Trumpet. “This grant will decisively facilitate a dearly held career goal of mine: to pull together a lifetime’s worth of teaching and creative practice into the fashioning of a true jazz trumpet method. The instructional works that will result from this project will in my view assist greatly trumpeters of every level in the development of technique, improvisational facility, and theoretical insight in a holistic and balanced manner, tailored to the special demands of improvising musicians.”

Music research takes on many forms in the Frost School, from assessing music education to the study of global music history, and from researching and recording historical works to creating new repertoire in multimedia formats. Guided by the Frost School’s academic Strategic Plan coupled with the University of Miami’s Roadmap to Our New Century, Frost faculty aspire to be leaders in hemispheric and mission-driven research and advocates of education for life.

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