Frost School of Music Welcomes Stamps String Quartet Class of 2026

Young musicians are gaining a range of skills needed to launch 21st Century performance careers in the modern workplace, and Frost School of Music is nurturing their playing field.

Stamps Scholarships are funded by the generosity of Penny and Roe Stamps through the Stamps Family Charitable Foundation.

Chosen by highly competitive auditions, the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami announces the selection of our Stamps Distinguished Ensemble Scholars, String Quartet Class of 2026:

  • Erika Liu (Denver, CO.)
  • Misha Grossman (Manhattan, NY) violins
  • Dylan Hutcheson (Arlington, TX.) viola
  • Natalie Van Winkle (St. Louis, Missouri) violoncello

These four exceptional instrumentalists were chosen on the basis of their leadership potential, academic merit, outstanding talent, and exceptional character.

The Stamps Family Charitable Foundation is funded by the generosity of Penny and Roe Stamps. It supports promising students who are eager to make their contributions to the world and have the work ethic to make their dreams a reality.

“Our Stamps scholars gain the skills needed to launch 21st Century performance careers,” said Professor of Music’s Instrumental Performance of Viola, Jodi Levitz, artistic coordinator for the for the Frost School’s Stamps Distinguished Ensemble Scholars.

“Through the study of chamber music, our young musicians can cultivate insight and affect change through mindful listening, deep knowledge of the score, a personal sense of mission and support as it relates to the group, and an adventurous spirit of “no boundaries” fostered by the highly-acclaimed Frost experiential curriculum,” she explained.

In addition to the Stamps String Quartet, Stamps Distinguished Ensembles include the Stamps Jazz Quintet, the Stamps Woodwind Quintet, and the Stamps Brass Quintet.

Stamps Ensemble Scholarships at the Frost School of Music are equal to the total cost for tuition and fees; on-campus double room and 20-meal per week board plan, extended for each academic year. In addition, the Scholarship includes assistance with expenses for Stamps Distinguished Ensembles when they are invited to perform at summer festivals and special residencies.

To learn more about the four-year rotating schedule for each ensemble and instrument, or to apply for the Stamps Woodwind Quintet, click here.
