Incoming Chairs of Public Interest Leadership Board Announced

PILB is a student-run leadership board comprised of a dynamic group of Miami Law students dedicated to public service.
Incoming Chairs of Public Interest Leadership Board Announced

From back row L-R: Ashton Greusel, Kira Mikes, Angelo Gomez, Danielle Berkowitz, Kayla Guzman, Greta Schultz, Nicole Vahlkamp, Sara Baez, Sharon Booth. Front row from L-R: Emily Finch, Christina Velazquez, Elizabeth Hansel, Caitlin Tabor, Estefania Hernandez, and Nicole Vitt

Third-year law students Ashton Greusel and Miami Scholar Lizzie Hansel have been named the incoming 2023-2024 Public Interest Leadership Board chairs.

The student-run leadership board, overseen by the HOPE Public Interest Resource Center, works to increase the public interest opportunities and community at Miami Law. Hansel served as co-chair of PILB last year alongside 3L Emily Hill. Greusel and Hansel are both excited to have the opportunity to lead the board that has meant so much to their law school careers.

"I joined PILB initially to find like-minded peers on campus who value public service and social justice like I do," said Greusel. "After my first year as a member, it became clear to me that PILB can also serve as a launching pad for both individual and group opportunities to get involved with important issues and facilitate the initiatives we want to see on campus and in our community. I jumped at the chance to be a bigger part of the decision-making process for our projects and to be a source of support for our members as they tackle their own projects." 

Hansel echoed Greusel's enthusiasm about the co-chair position. 

"I am a part of PILB because my fellow board members inspire me every day to continue to work for the advancement of justice and to lead a career of service," Hansel said. "As co-chair, I am able to be a part of all of the incredible initiatives and programs that the board puts on, and I love being able to ensure that my fellow members are supported and have the resources that they need for their work. I cannot wait for this year of PILB to continue to grow our reach within the campus community and to instill a pro bono ethic in each and every Miami Law student."

PILB's Public Interest Network will be led this year by co-chairs 3L Danielle Berkowitz, 3L Emily Finch, and 2L Greta Schultz. PIN matches incoming 1L and transfer students interested in pro bono or public interest law with an upper-division student to help build community and have someone to help with the acclimation to law school. They plan social and community-building events throughout the school year. The new co-chairs have already augmented the program by enacting an early round of matching that paired incoming students with upper-division students this July. 

"My increased involvement with PILB and PIN has already made me feel closer to the campus community and has given me more energy and enthusiasm for the new school year. Public interest work builds problem-solving and critical thinking skills, it encourages empathy and equity, and builds community—I am so excited to work with peers who feel the same sense of purpose and intentionality through service. The opportunity to share this ethos on campus drew me to leadership opportunities in PILB and I couldn't be more honored or excited to work with an amazing and passionate group of peers in this leadership capacity," said Finch.

PILB is pleased to have 3L Ashley Knoblauch and 3L Miami Scholar Gabby Rivero as fundraising co-chairs to help lead fundraising efforts during HOPE's 25th anniversary. 

"I wanted to take on a leadership position on the PILB Fundraising Committee because PILB and HOPE have so many great initiatives that should continue in perpetuity. Public interest is already so underfunded in general, and I wanted to help ensure that PILB and HOPE can continue to advocate for public interest-minded students by securing the backing it deserves," said Rivero.

2L co-chair Estefania Hernandez and 3L Caitlin Tabor will serve as advocacy chairs and plan opportunities for law students to engage in LGBTQ+ advocacy, voting rights, education reform, and reproductive justice. 

3L Nelly Cabrera is continuing as the programming chair, focusing on hosting events that expand the definition of pro bono and public service to help students understand that pro bono is relevant to all career pathways. 

"I am thrilled to serve as the programming chair of PILB once again, as I strongly believe in fostering a pro bono and low bono ethic among our students. We are committed to continuing the Public Interest Lecture Series where we host accomplished professionals from diverse fields, inspiring students to explore lesser-known areas of pro bono and public interest work and contribute meaningfully to their communities," said Cabrera.

Stay tuned to HOPE's E-News for opportunities to get involved in PILB's programs and events and look for a chance to apply to serve on the board in the spring semester. Questions? Email

Read more about the HOPE Public Interest Resource Center
