Stacy Feemster and Lauren Cagen recount how their School of Nursing and Health Studies journey cultivated a powerful, purposeful collaboration.
The simulation technologist uses anatomically correct special effects to make learning more vivid for School of Nursing and Health Studies students.
Nursing faculty explore national trends and present study findings at AACN’s 2025 Doctoral Education Conference in Southern California.
University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies ranks in the nation’s top 11 for competitive NIH funding to nursing schools for 2024.
“The experience solidified my desire to pursue my research interests.”
Open to all, the Multicultural Nursing Student Association stresses visibility, education, and health-focused community service throughout February.
A look back at a remarkable year of health care highlights at S.H.A.R.E.
National Human Trafficking Prevention Month: Nursing and Health Studies Dean Hudson Santos and Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle welcome a broad coalition from health care, law enforcement, academia, and beyond to the SAO Annual Forum on Human Trafficking.
3D wound simulation system developed by Dr. Frank Guido-Sanz and colleagues takes a top prize at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare.
Introducing Dr. Frank Guido-Sanz as Associate Dean for Simulation Education and Research
School starts new semester and University’s milestone 100th year with nearly 300 new students and three days of orientation.