S.H.A.R.E.® Receives Prestigious INACSL Endorsement

On the week of June 12th, Dr. Ruth Everett-Thomas accepted INACSL’s Healthcare Simulation Standards Endorsement for 2023-2026 on behalf of Simulation Hospital Advancing Research and Education (S.H.A.R.E.).
S.H.A.R.E.® Receives Prestigious INACSL Endorsement

INACSL (International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning) was established with the intention of expanding the scope of networking for nursing institutions teaching with simulation. The formal organization was created in 2002. Since then, they have been at the forefront of innovation for positive changes in simulation, application of simulation practices, and healthcare education and patient safety. In 2020, INACSL created standards that all simulation hospitals should strive to reach, and 2023 marked the year they began endorsing schools who met these standards.

The requirements S.H.A.R.E. had to meet to receive this endorsement were strict. They had to provide narratives, policies and procedures, and video evidence of the standards required: professional development, pre-briefing, simulation design, facilitation, debriefing, operations, objectives & outcomes, professional integrity, simulation-enhanced interprofessional education, and evaluation of learning and performance. S.H.A.R.E. was one of only twenty schools in the country to meet these standards fully.

Dr. Ruth Everett-Thomas went to the INACSL Convention June 14-17 to accept this endorsement. Along with this, the conference allowed her to network with other simulation centers, listen to presentations on the future of simulation, and hear the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) discuss the future of using simulation in education. “The INACSL conference was very enlightening,” Dr Everett Thomas said, “and it provides a platform for nurses to show their work in simulation and also for nurses to obtain information from some of the brightest minds teaching with simulation technology.  This was also a good opportunity to make connections with other universities to work on similar ideas and topics together.”

"S.H.A.R.E.’s mission is to continue improving simulation education and to provide our students with an innovative, thorough, thoughtful education. We are grateful for the work INACSL has done to further this mission, this endorsement being proof of our commitment. The faculty and staff here know that our work is never done. There will always be room to improve, and we are grateful to INACSL for guiding us."
