An Esteemed Career, an Esteemed Recognition

University of Miami Professor of Psychology receives the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award from the American Psychological Association.
psychology professor receives award from american psychology association

University of Miami Distinguished Professor of Psychology Charles Carver was recognized by the American Psychological Association (APA) with the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, which honors psychologists who have made prominent theoretical or empirical contributions to basic research in psychology. 

The award from the APA also honors Professor Michael Scheier at Carnegie Mellon University who has worked with Carver for over 45 years in the areas of research and theory across personality, social, health, and motivational psychology.


“Although Chuck’s work addresses a wide range of topics in personality, social psychology, health psychology, and experimental psychopathology, he is best known for his research on self-regulation, optimism versus pessimism, and coping in cancer patients,” said Professor and Chair of the Psychology Department Phillip McCabe. “Chuck is extremely productive and one of the most highly cited researchers in the entire field of psychology. In addition, he has been an invaluable leader within the department for four decades. He is a superstar in our field and well deserving of this prestigious APA award."

Carver will be recognized at the American Psychological Association annual convention held in San Francisco, CA, August 9-12, 2018.

“This award is one of the highest scientific honors that one can receive in psychology. It reflects the judgments of a large number of scientific peers that my work, over an extended period, has had a noticeable impact across the field,” said Carver. “It goes without saying, then, that this is a huge honor for me.”

Along with the longstanding partnership with fellow award recipient Michael Scheier, Carver is also grateful for other collaborative relationships he has had throughout the years. He has worked extensively with UM Professor Michael Antoni on the experiences of women undergoing treatment for breast cancer and their responses to cognitive-behavioral therapy. He is currently working with Sheri Johnson, formerly of UM and now at University of California, Berkeley, on topics concerning the nature of psychological disorder. And he works as well with his wife, UM Professor Youngmee Kim, whose research concerns the adjustment of cancer patients and their family caregivers to the family’s experience of confronting cancer.

“Without the very fine partnerships of these four people in particular, along with many others in smaller roles, this award would certainly not be happening,” said Carver. “Academia is a funny profession. To survive in it you really have to be motivated by something or other, but awards are the least of those motivations. I am deeply honored to have the work recognized in this way, but it’s the work itself that really matters most. I’ll celebrate a bit, then back to writing.”

Carver, who has spent his entire professional career at UM, received his bachelor’s degree from Brown University and his doctoral degree from the University of Texas at Austin in Personality Psychology. His work spans the areas of personality psychology, social psychology, health psychology, and more recently experimental psychopathology. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the American Cancer Society, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the National Cancer Institute. He is the author of 10 books, over 400 articles and chapters, and has served as the Editor of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and an Associate Editor of Psychological Review




April 27, 2018
