New 'Canes in the Family

The Provost's first annual Welcome Picnic invited new faculty members and their families to get better acquainted with life at the U.
New 'Canes in the Family
Jeffrey Duerk, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, and his wife Cindy, greet Andrew Elmore, Associate Professor of Law, his wife Alison, daughter Phoebe, and son Theo. 

Some travelled from remote corners of the world, while others road-tripped to South Florida with children and pets in tow. Each of their journeys as unique and diverse as their backgrounds, yet during the Provost’s Welcome Picnic the University of Miami’s newest faculty members came together to celebrate as one ‘Canes family.

The first annual event, held at the Rathskeller, welcomed new faculty members and their families to celebrate their accomplishments and encourage collaboration across disciplines. Hosted by Jeffrey Duerk, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, and joined by UM President, Julio Frenk, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, David J. Birnbach, and Senior Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education, Bill Green, the event provided a platform for new faculty to meet University leaders, Deans, and colleagues.

“I encourage you to think of this event and others as opportunities to network among UM’s talented and diverse faculty ecosystem, and to view your classroom as your laboratory to try new and innovative things,” said Duerk.

Throughout the picnic, ‘Canes fever was contagious as faculty from the Coral Gables, Miller School of Medicine, and Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science campuses made connections about everything from their latest research and curriculums, to life in Miami as newcomers.

Conversations seamlessly transitioned between personal research interests, to the best dining on campus, and even the scheduling of after school playdates for their children. Despite the varying topics of conversation, it was evident that everyone was excited to be at the U.
