2020 graduating employee

Alejandro Rengifo

What is your current role and department at UM?
Associate Director of Marketing, Athletics

What degree will you be receiving this coming graduation? 
Master of Science in Business Analytics

How long have you been in service at UM? 
5.5 years

What were some highlights of your time as a student and employee? 
As a student and employee, I had the chance to combine two different areas of interest—my creative and analytical mindsets. I was able to grow and learn by attending Deloitte-sponsored workshops and participating in Kaggle competitions, which exposed me to real problems and datasets from the business world. That business acumen has helped me structure and better organize the budgets and ordering processes that I work with, which range from organizing the smoke introductions of the football team at the Hard Rock stadium to ordering giveaways for our various home sporting events to running the Sebastian the Ibis mascot program. The culmination of it all has come at the end of my program where I had the opportunity to work on a special project that compares attendance figures from home baseball games to what factors may be affecting attendance and finding the differences between seasons.

What is a favorite UM memory? 
My favorite memory at UM will always be Homecoming week and the boat burning/fireworks. As a triple ’Cane and former member of the Homecoming Executive Committee, it is always amazing to relive the memories of my time at UM and share that love for The U with all of the alumni, students, and community members that come out.

Have you received any awards, honors, or special achievements? 
I received the University of Miami Interfraternity Council Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award in 2019.
In 2016, I received the National Association of Collegiate Marketing Administrators Mike Cleary Convention Stipend Award.

Please share any advice that you might have for employees looking to go back to school.
Going back to school can seem daunting and it is difficult at times. But I can assure you that it is a rewarding experience to push yourself to learn and grow. Take advantage of the opportunity and don’t worry about how long it takes. All that matters is that you take the first step!

Learn about other 2020 graduating employees.
