U Facilitators reflect on their profound connection to the University

Volunteers who lead virtual orientations for newly hired employees share their pride for the University.
U Facilitators reflect on their profound connection to the University

At the University of Miami, a group of passionate faculty and staff volunteers, known as U Facilitators, play a pivotal role during all recent hires' first day of work as they attend a required employee orientation titled, “I am the U” and “We Care.”

Selected through an audition process, U Facilitators participate in a comprehensive training program held by the Department of Human Resources’ Talent and Organizational Development team. During the program, these passionate employees share their ’Canes spirit to welcome newly hired faculty and staff members to the University community. In 2023, U Facilitators conducted 62 orientation sessions and welcomed more than 3,000 new employees to the University.

U Facilitators draw insights from their own experiences to weave in the University's rich history and culture. This unique opportunity gives them the chance to embody what it means to be a ’Cane.

Sharing personal revelations and career-inspiring stories, U Facilitators volunteer their time every Monday morning to express their strong connection with the University. Here are some highlights from their reflections.


Former U Facilitators interested in expanding their professional development by becoming virtual facilitators should contact the Talent and Organizational Development team at tod@miami.edu. While the recruitment of new facilitators is on hold, University employees who are interested in becoming a U Facilitator in the future may also email tod@miami.edu.

All faculty and staff members interested in enhancing their skills can access a list of offerings that will support their professional and personal growth.
