Fall commencement retiring faculty

As we come together to celebrate our graduates, we also reflect on the most memorable times of our retiring faculty.

Harry A. DeFerrari | Rosenstiel School/Ocean Sciences

"One of my favorite memories from UM was, circa 1985, was a meeting with Leonid Brekhovskikh, the renowned Russian underwater acoustician and ; head academician of the Russian Academy of Science. He spoke at length, in flawless English, about our respective research.

But later during his trip in the U.S., in similar meetings with other scientists, he spoke no English; only Russian through an interpreter. One of my colleagues who met with him insisted 'the man speaks not a word of English.'"


Richard L. Williamson, Jr. | School of Law

"Cofounding The Leipzig-Miami Exchange Program between Miami Law and the University of Leipzig in Germany back in 2001 is one of my best memories at UM. It's unbelievable that the program is already in its 18 th year!"




Raul Murciano, Jr. | Frost School of Music

"It's hard picking just one favorite memory since UM has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I am the 'middle generation' of 'Canes, my dad is a 'Cane, and my youngest daughter is also a UM grad."