Three ways to go green and win!

Learn how you can support UM's sustainability efforts and win a prize for participating.
Illustration of a green cityscape with the U branding

Take the Green U survey and win a prize
Assess your knowledge of sustainability at the U, and help us go from silver to gold this year! In 2017, the University achieved a silver rating from the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS). Test your sustainability IQ by taking this 25-question quiz. Your response to how you can apply sustainability in your lifestyle, your home, or your workplace will enter you for a chance to win one of the following prizes: two Amazon gift cards and a solar phone charger for a value of $50 each.

Get involved
There are countless ways for faculty, staff, and students to get involved.  Volunteer as a green liaison for your department, become an ECO rep, join the U’s student-led green committee, and more! Invite Green U to visit your office or classroom and learn more about the UM’s sustainability efforts, and we have tons of sustainability tools available online.

Take a class
This semester enroll in one of the more than 50 classes with a sustainability focus or content, and apply for a sustainability certificate administered by the Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy program.
