Time to TALK

Talk for Success, UM's performance management program, focuses on frequent, two-way conversations between employees and managers. The conversations should cover topics such as overall performance, assignment of new goals, progress on existing goals, professional development, recognition, coaching, and more.

This year, cycle three opened on Friday, March 1, and closes in May 1, 2019. TALK, which stands for transform, align, listen, and know, is the framework that employees and managers will use during their performance conversations. Once the conversation has taken place, it should be documented in the Workday. For more information on conducting a TALK session, please visit the TALK website or for step-by-step instructions on initiating a TALK session in Workday, please review Workday HR: Performance Review tip sheets.

Throughout TALK, and throughout the year, employees are encouraged to check out the many professional development and training opportunities available at the U. From enhancing a professional skill set to leadership development training, there are many ways you can enrich your UM work experience. Visit Life@TheU’s guide to training.  
