With tax season upon us, it’s also prime time for cybercriminals targeting your personal information through online exchanges. Tax-related online scams remain the number one avenue for phishing attacks every year. Learning to recognize a phishing attack can help protect you against identity theft.
University of Miami Information Technology (UMIT) offers safety tips to keep you from falling victim to identity theft or suffering financial loss, which typically occurs through email, phone calls, or malicious websites soliciting personal information by posing as a trustworthy organization, federal agency, or your accountant.
Read the full story at https://security.it.miami.edu/stay-safe/sec-articles/before-you-click/index.html
If you’ve received a suspicious email in your inbox, report spam and phishing attempts easily through Microsoft’s “Report Message” tool, available within Outlook on desktop or online. For more information, contact the UMIT Information Security Office team at ciso@miami.edu.