DCC draws record numbers

Six thousand participants and volunteers showed up at locations across South Florida on Saturday, Feb. 29, to ride, walk, run, or volunteer at the 10th annual Dolphins Cancer Challenge.
DCC draws record numbers
Sylvester Director Stephen D. Nimer, M.D., center, and fellow riders cross the Hurricane Hundred finish line in a shower of confetti.

On Saturday, Feb. 29—a perfect Miami winter morning with clear skies and crisp temperatures—a record 6,000 participants and volunteers showed up at locations across South Florida to ride, walk, run, or volunteer at the 10th annual Dolphins Cancer Challenge (DCC). About 20 percent of those participants represented Team Hurricanes—employees, donors, and others who are proud members of the University of Miami family.

Jacqueline Travisano, executive vice president for business and finance and chief operating officer for the University, was chair of the DCC Committee and team lead for Team Hurricanes. She takes the cancer fight to heart. “It’s very personal to me, because I’ve lost very significant people in my life to cancer,” she said. “Cancer does not discriminate, and I want to make sure that  no one else has to lose a friend, family member, or loved one. And, I think the only way that’s going to happen is through academic research into cancer treatments and cures,” Travisano declared.

Since its inception, the DCC has raised more than $32.5 million, donating 100 percent of participant-raised funds to the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Read the full story at https://physician-news.umiamihealth.org/tenth-annual-dolphins-cancer-challenge-attracts-record-number-of-participants-and-volunteers/
