5 things you need to know this week

A weekly series designed to highlight events, benefits, perks, and items of interest for University of Miami faculty and staff.

COVID-19: What University employees should know  
Available online
The University has launched an expanded COVID-19 site with up-to-date guidance, advisories, and links to resources at coronavirus.miami.edu. Find information for University faculty and staff members that reflect frequently asked questions and the University’s current policies, which will continue to be updated as needed. This includes details about working remotely, taking sick time and FMLA, travel, and where to find information based on your role at the U.

Telecommute activity feedback survey
Submit your feedback by Monday, March 16
On Friday, March 13, Coral Gables and marine campus staff were encouraged to work from home as part of a practice test to work remotely. Today, those staff members have the opportunity to complete a two-minute Telecommute Activity Feedback Survey. Submit your feedback by the end of the day. Your input is critical to improve our efforts, should we need employees to telecommute at any point in the future. 

Technology trainings for University faculty members
Available online
University faculty can access a number of resources to help them enhance their classroom experience. For a full listing of updated training sessions faculty and staff members are encouraged to review the Academic Continuity Guide. The training sessions include, Blackboard, Zoom, Respondus, and more. The Learning Platforms Team can provide training and support a number of technology tools. Book a virtual or in-person training session.

The Distance Learning Institute provides consultations for faculty members who leverage online technologies and teaching techniques to create engaging course experiences. The Division of Continuing and International Education have scheduled drop-in hours at Allen Hall 202A from Monday, March 16 to Friday, March 20, 8:00am to 5:00pm, to provide consultations covering the essentials of online teaching. For more information, contact Johnny Orr.

The Learning Innovation and Faculty Engagement, or LIFE, team—in conjunction with University Libraries—will help faculty members create alternative course materials and assignments. To schedule individual or request group consultations, contact the LIFE team at life@miami.edu.

Well ’Canes Market temporarily canceled
All locations until further notice
The weekly markets—which are visited by hundreds of students, employees, and visitors—will be taking an indefinite break because of the professional recommendations by health officials to limit large group gatherings in order to restrain the spread of the COVID-19. This includes the markets at the Coral Gables campus on Mondays and Wednesdays as well as the medical campus on Thursdays. For the latest University updates on COVID-19, visit coronavirus.miami.edu.

Policystat—your home base for official University policy
Available online
PolicyStat, a cloud-based policy management system used to house University policies, allows University employees to efficiently search policies by name or content from any browser using the system’s Google-like search algorithm. Access the Business and Finance policies at umiami.policystat.com. Visit umhs-umhc.policystat.com to view UHealth policies. Learn how to search for policies by accessing the video tutorial at learn.policystat.com/searching. For questions, contact compliance manager Stephanie Linares, SLinares@miami.edu.

