2020 graduating employee

Melanie Goergmaier

What is your current role and department at UM?

Ph.D. Candidate, teaching and research assistant at the European Union Center

What degree will you be receiving this coming graduation? 
Ph.D. in International Studies

How long have you been in service at UM? 
Since October 2010

What were some highlights of your time as a student and employee? 

I initially started with the University of Miami as an academic advisor at the School of Nursing and Health Studies in 2010. In 2011, I immediately utilized my employee tuition remission benefits and started taking graduate level courses in the Department of International Studies. Four years later, I was awarded an opportunity as a graduate teaching and research assistant, in addition to a tuition waiver employee assistance for the Ph.D. program in International Studies. I currently work at the UM European Union Center.

What is a favorite UM memory? 
There are a number of conferences, activities, and events that I have organized over the years with Professor Joaquin Roy, Director and Jean Monnet Chair at the European Union Center.

Have you received any awards, honors, or special achievements?

Learn about my experience.

Please share any advice that you might have for employees looking to go back to school.

Take advantage of your tuition remission benefits as soon as possible. It’s not about how long it takes to obtain a degree. It’s about the finish line and ultimately achieving your goal.

Learn about other 2020 graduating employees.
