Top 10 reminders for University employees this year

Whether you’re back on campus or telecommuting to work, here are a few important items to review, including University policies and employee resources.
Top 10 reminders for University employees this year

1. COVID-19 testing

Just as students are required to test negative for COVID-19 before attending any in-person programs or classes on any campus, University faculty and staff members who traveled recently should review the University’s COVID-19 travel guidance and must also test negative before returning to campus. Please remember to limit your activity as you wait for your results.

On the Coral Gables Campus, the Pavia Garage is open to any University staff or faculty member who wishes to be tested for COVID-19 at no charge and without the need for an appointment. Find the scheduled testing dates and hours of operationRandom surveillance testingwhich helps estimate the prevalence of asymptomatic infections—will continue for University staff and faculty members

If you are working or teaching on campus, you may receive an email alert from UHealth requesting that you participate in random testing. Be assured that testing is quick, easy, and confidential. Once contacted, you will be asked to schedule a time at your convenience. Learn more about testing.

2. Returning to campus safely

To reduce density on campus, all University staff members who are approved to work from home should continue to do so until further notice. University employees who plan to be on campus should review checklists and seek appropriate approvals before returning to campus for work, as described in the Return to Onsite Work policy. Note: Faculty and staff members must have received the seasonal flu vaccine or have a documented waiver in Workday.

3. Daily symptom checker

Everyone on campus—including students, faculty, and staff—is required to use a daily symptom checker and respond appropriately to the guidance it provides. It takes no more than two minutes to complete and is available online or via the UMiami mobile app, which can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple app store.

You are required to truthfully conduct daily symptom monitoring and follow any guidance prior to reporting to any of our campuses. Stay home if you are unwell, and seek clearance through Employee Health before returning to work.

4. Mask policy

All members of the University community are required to wear a mask or face covering while in public areas and adhere to physical distancing protocols. Learn more about the University’s COVID-19 response plan.

5. Travel guidance

All University-related international travel is prohibited. University-related domestic travel must receive prior approval by a supervising dean or vice president. Review travel guidance information.

As domestic and international travel continues to be cautioned by the CDC and Florida’s Department of Health, the University is updating its travel advisories and policies. The University strongly discourages overnight travel outside of Florida (by any means of transportation) or air travel within the state of Florida during the current surge of the pandemic. All members of the community are required to adhere to these requirements prior to entering and when working on any University campus or facility. Review the faculty and staff screening/return to work from travel policy for Gables/Marine campuses employees.

Clinical faculty and staff

All travel, both international and domestic, by any employee who operates in or supports clinical care requires supervisor approval to ensure appropriate staffing levels should situations warrant. Review the employee screening/return to work from travel policy for clinical faculty and staff.

Consistent with other University policies, failure to follow these requirements may result in corrective action. Adhering to these guidelines can help ensure a successful, productive, and healthy year.

6. Temporary telecommute agreement

University staff should continue to log in to Workday and complete the Temporary Telecommuting Agreement in advance for each week that you work from home and managers must continue to approve on a weekly basis. For assistance, review the COVID-19 Telecommute Arrangement in Workday Tip Sheet.

As previously communicated, the University is providing a pre-tax temporary COVID-19 Technology Work from Home stipend for staff who are temporarily working from home. Effective Feb. 1, the temporary stipend will only be paid for telecommuting agreements that are approved by the manager before the actual payroll is processed. Payroll will no longer be processing retroactive temporary stipends for agreements that are not completed.

7. COVID-19 resources and vaccine distribution

The University has a dedicated site with COVID-19 information available online, including latest University updates on vaccine distribution and advisories. Find information specifically for employees, faculty members and researchers, and students and families.

University students, faculty, and staff on the Coral Gables and Marine campuses who are experiencing possible symptoms consistent with, or who have been potentially exposed to, COVID-19 should contact the University's COVID-19 hotline at 305-243-ONE-U. UHealth physicians and providers are available to answer questions and provide telemedicine services, if needed. Members of the Medical Campus should call 305-243-8378.

8. Mental health resources

University faculty and staff members in need of mental and behavioral support can visit to learn more about the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program.

Benefits-eligible employees on the University’s health insurance plan may contact Carisk Behavioral Health to discover the variety of providers and treatment modalities available for addressing concerns. Telehealth services are covered. Select the "Commercial Directory" link on their website to access the database of providers or call 1-800-294-8642 to learn more.

9. Parking and transportation

On Monday, Jan. 25, Coral Gables parking zone color restrictions—which were lifted during winter break—will be reinstated; the shuttle service will resume at 7 a.m.; and all parking garages will reopen at 7 a.m. For more information, contact Parking and Transportation at 305-284-3096, option 2 or

10. Campus resources

Find the latest information about campus resources and facilities online, including the Herbert Wellness CenterUHealth Fitness and Wellness Centercampus librariesStudent Center Complex, and dining locations on the Coral Gables Campus.

Explore the University of Miami Libraries’ online resources and services and upcoming events. Engage in remote offerings and virtual programming from the Lowe Art Museum while the facilities remain closed, in accordance with University guidelines.
