Step into the 2023 Walking ’Canes challenge

Eligible faculty and staff members can earn up to 500 points in the Well ’Canes Incentive program by participating in the 12-week steps challenge.
Step into the 2023 Walking ’Canes challenge

Eligible faculty and staff members can earn up to 500 Well ’Canes points by completing the 2023 Walking ’Canes challenge.

Those enrolled in the Well ’Canes Incentive program are encouraged to walk or run at least 600,000 steps during the 12-week Walking ’Canes challenge to earn Well ’Canes points.

Employees can take part in the challenge by enrolling via the Well ’Canes Portal. While steps can be added manually, participants are encouraged to track total steps by using a mobile application or an approved wearable tracking device. For a list of acceptable devices, visit the Well ’Canes portal and under “Helpful Links” click on “Mobile App and Apple Health Connectivity.”

Participants who meet the minimum goal will be awarded 200 Well ’Canes points and have the opportunity to earn up to 300 bonus points for logging additional steps. Faculty and staff members must be enrolled in the University of Miami/Aetna medical plan as the primary subscriber to be eligible to participate. 

The challenge runs from Monday, Feb. 27, until Sunday, May 21. 

Visit HR-Total Rewards for more information on the Well ’Canes Incentive Program.

Earn steps while exploring the outdoors.

South Florida offers plenty of outdoor parks and trails that can help you reach your daily step goal. Click the geolocation icon on the bottom left of the map to find the park or trail closest to you.

