Faculty member goes the extra mile through service, advocacy

Dedicated to his students and the University, David Chin, professor in the College of Engineering, is honored with the 2023–24 James W. McLamore Outstanding Service Award by the Faculty Senate.
Faculty member goes the extra mile through service, advocacy

David Chin, professor of chemical, environmental, and materials engineering, received the Faculty Senate 2023–24 James W. McLamore Outstanding Service Award for his commitment and exemplary service to the University of Miami. 

Nominated by Dr. Tomas A. Salerno, professor of surgery and vice chairman for faculty development and mentoring at the Miller School of Medicine, Chin's commitment to service and leadership has left a lasting  impact on the University. “He has served the community selflessly and beyond the call of duty for several years,” expressed Salerno.

Having served for more than 20 years on the Faculty Senate, Chin shared his primary motivation to serve was to “shepherd and provide strong advocacy for the College of Engineering.” He championed the initiatives to benefit the University. 

“I could always rely on David for solid impartial advice and perspective on issues affecting faculty and students,” shared Salerno. “He does what is morally correct, rather than what is politically expedient.”

Beyond his administrative responsibilities, Chin's commitment to student welfare and academic excellence is evident. In 2013, worked with students from environmental, civil, and architectural engineering backgrounds, and the group placed first in a competition held by the Association of Cuban Engineers. Their work involved redesigning modifications to the sewer system in Havana, Cuba—an endeavor with potential benefits for the Cuban people. This collaboration also provided Chin’s students with valuable real-world experience and impact.

Chin urges students to “go the extra mile,” so that their futures benefit from today’s hard work. “Effective learning depends partially on the instructor and partially on the student,” said Chin. “When you leave college, your habits can serve you well.”

The 2023–24 Faculty Senate Awards Ceremony will be held in person on Monday, April 8, at 5 p.m. on the Coral Gables Campus. Learn more about the awards ceremony.

This profile is part of a 2023–24 Faculty Senate Awards series recognizing all awardees.
