Psychology professor leads field in HIV and mental health research

Founder and director of the Center for HIV and Research in Mental Health at the University of Miami, Steven Safren, receives the 2023–24 Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award from the Faculty Senate.
Psychology professor leads field in HIV and mental health research

Steven Safren, professor of psychology and director of the Center for HIV and Research in Mental Health (CHARM) at the University of Miami, was recognized by the Faculty Senate with the 2023–24 Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award for a lifetime of distinguished accomplishments in clinical practice and research. 

After joining the University of Miami faculty in 2015, Safren founded CHARMan interdisciplinary center between the College of Arts and Sciences, Miller School of Medicine, and the School of Nursing and Health Studies. Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, the center is designated as a full HIV/AIDS facility and one of seven in the nation.

Nominated for the Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award by Philip M. McCabe, professor and chair of the Department of Psychology, Safren is lauded for his exceptional proactivity, extensive funding success, and leadership in the field. “He is a truly exceptional scholar, teacher, and University citizen. He has my highest recommendation,” said McCabe.

Safren earned his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University at Albany State University of New York and trained at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School specializing in cognitive behavior therapy. 

Reflecting on his most memorable moments at the University of Miami, Safren emphasizes his pride in witnessing his students' achievements during the commencement ceremonies and believes that both students and graduates must narrow their focus. “Find a piece of what you are studying that you really enjoy, and do more of that,” he shared.

The 2023–24 Faculty Senate Awards Ceremony will be held in person on Monday, April 8, at 5 p.m. on the Coral Gables Campus. Learn more about the awards ceremony.

This profile is part of a 2023–24 Faculty Senate Awards series recognizing all awardees.
