UHealth’s influenza vaccination policy requires all designated health care workers to be vaccinated, including everyone in UHealth hospitals and community-based clinics, as well as those in roles—clinical or non-clinical—with regular patient contact.
Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which recommends an annual influenza vaccination for everyone six months and older, all employees are encouraged to get vaccinated to protect themselves as well as others, whether or not they are required to be vaccinated as part of their job duties. For your convenience, the vaccine is free available to students, faculty, and staff at several sites across south Florida, including UHealth/Walgreens and the Healthy ’Canes Clinic.
Read the full story at https://physician-news.umiamihealth.org/its-time-to-get-a-flu-shot-2/
Flu shots are available for UM students at the Student Health Service. Visit their site to learn more: https://studenthealth.studentaffairs.miami.edu/immunization-information/flu-shots/index.html