What’s the best workout for weight loss?

Learn more about the road to weight loss through exercise with help from experts at UHealth’s Fitness and Wellness Center.
What’s the best workout for weight loss?

Are you looking for an exercise routine that’s the most likely to make a difference in your health journey, if weight loss is your goal? According to UHealth experts, the formula is as complex as this: pick the one you will keep doing. From high intensity interval training (HIIT), to walking, and resistance training, there’s something for everyone.

“By combining cardio training with simple strength training in a consistent schedule with healthy eating and adequate sleep, you can and will lose belly fat – provided you don’t celebrate with an ice cream sundae after each workout,” said Alexis Canaves, an exercise physiologist and wellness training supervisor at the UHealth Fitness and Wellness Center.

Read the full story at https://news.umiamihealth.org/en/whats-the-most-effective-workouts-for-weight-loss/