Find ways this holiday season to give back

Support our community on and off campus by participating in a number of local initiatives. Donate to a holiday gift drive, volunteer, support a cause, and extend gratitude to colleagues.
an illustration of a group of people holding gifts and coins

November is National Gratitude Month and a time of year when, in the spirit of thanksgiving, organizations and individuals seek opportunities to support causes they care about. The following are a few options that will help you get involved.

Participate in the Hurricanes holiday gift drive.
Now through Friday, Dec. 2.
Organized by the Butler Center for Service and Leadership, the drive supports deserving children and senior citizens in the Miami community during the holidays by providing them with generous donations of gifts and toys. New and unused items can be dropped off at the Butler Center for Service and Leadership in the Shalala Student Center, Suite 204, and at the Whitten University Center Lower Lounge. Anyone interested in sponsoring a senior within the community for this holiday season may ask for a tag with specific items requested. If you have questions or would like to host a donation location within your office or department, contact the Butler Center at

Give to the United Way.
With the campaign officially underway, take a moment to make your gift via Workday. When giving, you may direct your gift to the United Way’s mission of education, financial resiliency, and health, or direct your gift to a local nonprofit organization, including the University of Miami. Learn more about how you can join a giving community, volunteer, and help support causes through United Way Miami.

Make an impact, register for the Dolphins Challenge Cancer. 
Sign up today.
The University community is invited to participate in the upcoming Dolphins Challenge Cancer (DCC) on February 25, 2023. This family-friendly team event includes the option to run, walk, or cycle, so there’s something for all members of the ’Canes family. Since its inception, the DCC has raised more than $45.5 million, donating 100 percent of participant-raised funds to Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center and providing resources to continue to drive research breakthroughs that improve the lives of cancer patients and their families. Register now and kick off your fundraising journey.

Express gratitude for a colleague. 
Appreciation fosters connection. University members can express immediate appreciation to colleagues, classmates, or instructors by sending a note of gratitude using the Thank a ’Cane tool. Choose from preset card designs and write a custom message for the recipient. If the sender and recipient of the eCard choose to make it public, it is added to a university-wide repository of appreciation. Additionally, you can view a list of cards you have received and sent. Find more tools available through the Office of Institutional Culture.

Find more volunteer opportunities available for students and alumni.

Did we miss an opportunity to give back or volunteer? Let us know by sending an email to
