Roadmap University

Primed for the next generation of technology

The University of Miami will be the first college campus in the United States to offer AT&T’s 5G+ Edge technology.
Students walking quickly past the U statue and across the UC Rock Plaza
The University of Miami Coral Gables campus.

The University of Miami and AT&T have signed an agreement to bring 5G and Edge Compute technology on the Coral Gables campus, placing the University at the forefront of the digital revolution. Once implemented, the collaboration will enhance advanced scholarly research, and allow faculty and students to develop and test digital apps, including Magic Leap’s spatial computing platform. 

“We are very proud to work with AT&T and Magic Leap to pioneer 5G on our campus,” said Ernie Fernandez, vice president of Information Technology and chief information officer for the University. “Our faculty and students will be at the forefront of developing, testing, and using digital apps.” 

The agreement with AT&T positions the University as the company’s first 5G college campus. The term 5G refers to a larger cellular bandwidth that will deliver more data from the internet to wireless devices at a faster pace. This would help large data files like videos and graphics load quicker on phones and tablets. 

Jeffrey Duerk, executive vice president of academic affairs and provost, said that UM’s ability to pioneer this technology demonstrates its commitment to explorative pedagogies, digital scholarship, creative endeavors, science, technology, engineering, and math as part of the University’s Roadmap to Our New Century

More information about the collaboration with AT&T will be forthcoming.
