Academics Arts and Humanities

It’s All About The U

After his studies in the School of Communication, Matthew Fernandez is looking at law school as a next step.

Matthew FernandezMatthew Fernandez transferred to the University of Miami for the spring semester of his sophomore year after completing a dual-degree program with FIU and Miami Dade College.

He worked hard to get into the University of Miami’s School of Communication and even harder once accepted. His resolve has paid off in a degree from his beloved university and the promise of law school.

In his two and a half years at UM, Fernandez has been involved on campus as part of the Dean’s Student Circle, UMTV, the Federation for Cuban Students, and UM’s club baseball team. He works in the advising office as a receptionist for academic advisors and the assistant dean, all while attending university full-time. Fernandez is majoring in public relations and minoring in broadcast journalism with a pre-law track.

Fernandez began working in the undergraduate advising office to earn extra money, but also to network with students, faculty, and staff. He became involved in Dean’s Student Circle and revamped the elite group into a more structured entity. Assistant Dean Luis Herrera quickly noted Fernandez’s tenacity and personality.

“Matthew is one of the hardest working students I’ve ever had in this office. Plus he loves to talk,” said Herrera with a laugh, “He relates easily to people from all walks of life and he has a genuine way of being that leaves an impression on those around him.”

Fernandez’s personality left potential students and their parents interested in the School of Communication impressed with his tours of the facility. He doesn’t just show a building filled with high-tech equipment; he tells personal stories of how the professors care, the fun activities that teach valuable skills, and how, with hard work, all students can succeed just like he has. His love for this institution resonates with high school seniors who are able to see how their interests will be fostered here.

Fernandez is known throughout the School of Communication as a hard worker, affectionately called Mr. SoC. In May 2014, surrounded by friends and family, he received the Outstanding Student Worker Award.

“It was just nice to see that everybody was recognizing the hard work I put into the school I love,” Fernandez said.

Fernandez’s dream has always been to become a lawyer. But he figures he can do a lot with the degree, not just be a traditional attorney.

While Fernandez is a hard worker and excellent student, his favorite memory from UM comes from off campus. At Sun Life Stadium to be exact. He recalled the Miami vs. FSU game last semester, where he did the senior walk with his friends. He said it took some convincing, but eventually his friends agreed and they walked around the tunnel and the field. They were then able to choose their seats; naturally, they chose the best in the house.

“You reminisce and then you see what you created. I saw what I created; I saw my friendships, my network, the passion for the school all in one moment,” Fernandez said.  “I think it wrapped up my career.  I think the Florida State vs. Miami game was one of a kind.”

Fernandez is currently deciding between two law schools: Western Michigan and Florida Coastal in Jacksonville, which he said has a good sports law program. He confessed that his dream job is to be head legal counsel for the Miami Marlins.

Western Michigan or Florida Coastal is only a temporary plan. Fernandez’s real goal is to come back to UM to finish his law degree because he can’t see it coming from anywhere else. He shared a mental image of his wall: a University of Miami Bachelor of Science degree with a University of Miami Juris Doctor degree right next to it.

“I’m always about The U. I bleed orange and green,” Fernandez said.
