Academics People and Community

Adolfo Gonzalez

The first generation American is the first in his family to graduate from college.

Adolfo GonzalezAdolfo Gonzalez, of Austin, Texas, is a first generation American. And he happens to also be the first person in his family to graduate from college.  While his parents – both born in Mexico – encouraged his education, they, along with Gonzalez assumed that attending college in Texas would be the best choice.

“I always wanted to go to college in Texas until I saw a brochure from the University of Miami and thought, 'Wow, I have to go there,’ ” said Gonzalez.

During his time in the School of Architecture, Gonzalez completed an internship in urban planning and had the experience of working on a master plan that would make public spaces more accessible in Fort Lauderdale.

Though his time in Miami may be complete after graduation, Gonzalez plans to bring his passion for urban planning with him to San Antonio, Texas.

“Urban planning is what I want to do. It involves the community and build environment as more than just buildings and I think that is important,” said Gonzalez.

Adolfo graduates Friday.
