Arts and Humanities University

Student Publications Receive Top Awards

Ibis Yearbook, Distraction Magazine receive awards from the Associated Collegiate Press Association.
SoC Awards, Ibis Yearbook, Distraction Magazine

Faculty adviser Carl “Randy” Stano (seated) with staff members of Ibis Yearbook and Distraction Magazine at the Associated Collegiate Press Association conference. 

Two University of Miami publications won Pacemaker awards from the Associated Collegiate Press Association (ACP), as well as two Best of Show awards during the association’s conference in Dallas, Texas in late October. 

Both the Ibis Yearbook and UM’s Distraction Magazine received Pacemaker awards, ACP’s top award often referred to as the “Pulitzer of collegiate/scholastic journalism.”

“The Ibis has received a lot of national attention for our coverage and presentation in the past 20 years, so it is a fitting recognition for the current and former Ibis staff editors and members,” said Carl “Randy” Stano, UM School of Communication professor of practice and Ibis adviser, who travelled to the conference with a group of students. 

The Ibis was also inducted into the Associated Collegiate Press Hall of Fame, a distinction given to publications that have received a combined total of 15 national Pacemaker and Pacemaker finalists awards.

The Distraction Magazine website won Best of Show for fall content and design; editors were Kami Knaudt and Marissa Vonesh for online operations. The 2017 Ibis edited by Kaitlin Castillo won a Best of Show in the yearbook competition. Third place in the Best of Show Feature Magazine category went to Distraction Magazine, edited by Vonesh.

"Winning big in Dallas was a huge honor and it makes all of our hard work during the year worth it. Not only does it make us proud to be a part of Ibis, but it also motivates us to keep doing what we do," said Alize Desiree Ramirez-Canas, current Ibis editor-In-chief.

The 2016 Ibis edited by Emily Eidelman was awarded their 11th Pacemaker from the ACP. Eidelman graduated in 2016 and is now working in New York City. The Pacemaker Awards for yearbooks run a year behind the current year because of publication dates. 

The Ibis was one of six college/university yearbook Pacemakers recipients. The other yearbook Pacemakers were won by publications from Western Kentucky University, Texas Tech University, Harding University, Loyola Marymount University and Michigan State University.

“It is an honor to be listed in the top six college yearbooks from ACP,” said Stano. "The staff effort of covering the University of Miami community was great, and it is wonderful when an outside group recognizes the effort."

Distraction Magazine received its second print Pacemaker for the magazine edited by Asmae Fahmy during the 2016-17 academic year. Distraction magazine is one of 10 college feature magazines to receive a Pacemaker at the ACP conference.

Other college feature magazine Pacemakers were from Southwestern College, Pepperdine University, California Baptist University, Columbia College Chicago, two from Drake University, Stephens College, Syracuse University and Amarillo College.

Additional awards given to UM publications were:

College Media Associates Pinnacles Awards

Distraction Magazine:

First Place, Best House Ad
First Place, Best Special Section—More than four pages
Second Place, Best Ad Campaign
Second Place, Best Advertisement
Second Place, Best Infographic
Second Place, Best Online Main Page
Second Place, Best Magazine News Page/Spread
Third Place, Best Magazine Entertainment Page/Spread
Third Place, Best Magazine Feature Page/Spread
Third Place, Best Magazine Sports Page/Spread

Ibis Yearbook:

First Place, Best Yearbook Division Page/Spread
First Place, Best Yearbook Feature Page/Spread
Third Place, Best Infographic

ACP Individual Awards

Distraction Magazine:

First Place, Infographic, Allie Pakronsnis and Jamie Shub, “Sex Stats”
Honorable Mention, House Ad, Allie Pakronsnis, “Adventure Awaits”         

Ibis Yearbook:

Third Place, Infographic, Casey Lue, “Steps to Success”
Fifth Place, Yearbook/Magazine Page/Spread, Casey Lue, “Road to Clinicals”
