Academics People and Community

On-campus study spaces available for students

A new online calendar identifies vacant classroom spaces that can be used to study or connect to remote classes.
A new online calendar identifies vacant classroom spaces that can be used to study or connect to remote classes.
Students utliize an outdoor tent, located on the University Foote Green, as a study space. Photo: Evan Garcia/University of Miami

The Office of Classroom Management at the University of Miami recently launched an online calendar tool, so that students can find vacant classrooms and other on-campus locations available for use as shared study spots or to access their remote classes.

Currently, available classrooms are located within the following campus spaces:

  • Dooly Memorial Building
  • Solomon G. Merrick Building
  • Allen Hall
  • Whitten Learning Center
  • An outdoor tent located on the University Foote Green

Additional spaces will continue to be added to the site in the coming weeks.

“We recognize that some students have an in-person class followed quickly by a remote class or vice versa,” said Jeffrey L. Duerk, executive vice president for academic affairs and provost. “The spaces we identified will help students in these situations access their classes without worrying about travel time. Of course, the added indoor spaces will provide valuable options for students needing a quiet place to study.”

Students can access study sections only during the time frames highlighted in orange on the calendar. Students must not rearrange furniture within these spaces and must continue to follow safety guidelines—including wearing a face covering and maintaining physical distance at all times. Additionally, students are advised to use headphones, so that these shared spaces remain as quiet as possible.
