People and Community University

What you need to know about navigating the Student Center Complex

The Student Center Complex—which includes the Donna E. Shalala Student Center, Whitten University Center, University Center Pool, and the Rathskeller—is open, but students and others will need to follow some new guidelines.
Sebastian the Ibis wears his mask outside the Donna E. Shalala Student Center. Photo: Mike Montero/University of Miami
Photo: Mike Montero/University of Miami
Design: Tina Talavera/University of Miami

Editor’s Note: As the University of Miami reopens and welcomes students, faculty, and staff back to campus for the Fall 2020 semester, our “Campus Ready” updates will help the University community navigate how to eat, shop, stay fit, and more, while putting our health and well-being first.

The Student Center Complex on the University of Miami Coral Gables Campus has implemented new guidelines to ensure that physical distancing can be respected throughout its facilities. 

What's New

  • Signage will be present throughout the Student Center Complex to indicate current restrictions and reminders of appropriate physical distancing.
  • Face coverings are mandatory at all times while in public spaces throughout the Student Center Complex, whether indoors or outdoors.
  • All seating within the first-floor lobby, mezzanines, lounges, and outdoor spaces has been rearranged to provide a six-feet distance between individuals. Moving furniture is not permitted.
  • Clear panels have been placed at the information desks, the UC Pool desk, and the UC 2420 desk.
  • Hours of operation vary and will be updated weekly. Until further notice, all spaces throughout the Student Center Complex will adhere to the campus-wide curfew of 10 p.m.—except the Donna E. Shalala Student Center and University Center, which will close at 9:30 p.m.
  • Outdoor meetings and events that comply with public health guidelines as defined by the University of Miami, local emergency orders, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and/or other regulatory guidelines will be permitted on a limited basis.

The Rathskeller will use guidance from local and state authorities to determine specific regulations for dining service. Current operations include the following

  • Food will be takeout only. Inside dining is closed, as per current Miami-Dade County guidelines.
  • Condiment pumps will be unavailable. Single-serve packets will be provided instead.
  • No fountain drinks or pitchers will be served, and alcohol sales are suspended until further notice.
  • Order ahead online at

Visit for more information about dining on campus.

The University Center Pool is currently open to students and operating with a reduced capacity to ensure that proper physical-distancing guidelines can be met. Faculty and staff can access the UC Pool beginning Aug. 17. The following rules apply.

  • Masks are required except when swimming in the pool.
  • Patrons must comply with all signage and guidelines for physical distancing.
  • Locker room capacity has been reduced to eight patrons in the men’s locker room and six in the women’s locker room. Specific stalls and showers will be open and available, while others will remain closed.
  • Staff will conduct hourly inspections and disinfection of the locker rooms.
  • All recreational lap lanes will remain open. Each lane will be limited to one person.
  • Furniture on the pool deck is arranged to allow for proper physical distancing. Moving furniture is not permitted.

Visit the wellness center website for more information regarding hours and operations at the Patti and Allan Herbert Wellness Center.  

In addition, with a continued focus on campus life including purposeful and inclusive programs, resources, and experiences that enhance the University community through learning and engagement, the Department of Student Activities and Student Organizations has developed University-wide guidelines for all undergraduate student meetings, programs, and events on campus. Departments and organizations are encouraged to prioritize virtual events to encourage maximum participation in campus life.

  • Individual student organization offices in the Student Organization Suite are expected to adhere to Student Center Complex physical distancing requirements.
  • Visit for specific guidelines related to student meetings and events at the Student Center Complex.
  • The Committee on Student Organizations-funded undergraduate student groups must also adhere to event guidelines and policies as outlined by the Department of Student Organizations and Student Activities.
  • As previously communicated, all student organization indoor events and meetings are canceled until Nov. 1.
  • Students can report concerns about unsafe behaviors of student groups or individual students to ’Canes Care for ’Canes.

“Our entire SCC team has remained committed to providing a safe environment for students and the University community.

Due to our collaborative work with the student-led Student Center Complex Advisory Council and other valued campus partners, students will be able to take classes in our ballrooms, grab coffee at Starbucks, use the Kornspan Lounge to study, and enjoy our many outdoor spaces.”

—Nicholas Rau, executive director, Student Center Complex

Visit for more information on Student Center Complex operations and guidelines.
