Academics University

What you need to know before visiting the University libraries

With a team of experts ready to support students, faculty, and staff, new guidelines implemented by the University of Miami Libraries feature scheduling in-person visits and remote access to resources—including tutoring, workshops, and materials.
With a team of experts ready to support students, faculty, and staff, the University of Miami Libraries has implemented new guidelines for scheduling in-person visits while providing remote access to resources—including tutoring, workshops, and materials.
Design: Tina Talavera/University of Miami

Editor’s Note: As the University of Miami reopens and welcomes students, faculty, and staff back to campus for the Fall 2020 semester, our “Campus Ready” updates will help the University community navigate how to eat, shop, stay fit, and more, while putting our health and well-being first.

As the 2020 academic year begins, the University of Miami Libraries (UML) has made it a priority to support online and in-person learning. With readjusted spaces, services, and additional online resources to meet campus guidelines for hygiene and safety, the UML team will continue to serve each of its five locations across three campuses.

What’s new:

“UML is committed to the continued support of the research and teaching needs of faculty and students,” shared Charles Eckman, dean and University librarian, in a welcome letter to the University community. “Our top priority is to ensure that as many resources and services as possible are accessible online.”

Read Eckman's full letter and learn about upcoming virtual events from the UML.
