Catholic Campus Ministry Association (CCMA) is the national, professional organization for Catholic campus ministers dedicated to the comprehensive vision of campus ministry. Their purpose is to be the voice and to promote the mission of the church among students in higher education by empowering campus ministers through formation, networking, and resources.
CCMA makes a difference in the lives of campus ministers through the “elevate” method—engage, link, equip, value, advocate, teach, and establish. They provide professional development opportunities and support for ministers in higher education.
Pat Whitely, senior vice president for student affairs at the University of Miami, has served on the CCMA executive board as a senior leader for the past six years. She represented higher education from the lens of a senior leader. As an undergraduate at St. John’s University in New York, she was very involved in the campus ministry program. For the past 41 years, she has worked closely with St. Augustine Church and Catholic Student Center and the U Catholic staff and students to promote all campus ministries, as well as U Catholic.
“It was a great honor to serve on the Catholic Campus Ministry Association executive board as a senior leader. I hope my presence served as a good link between the board and our work on a college campus,” said Whitely.
During her six-year term, she worked on assessing the needs and purposes of the CCMA as an organization. She then provided guidance about the need for consolidating resources to ensure they are used purposefully. Prioritizing student mental health and support, Whitely consistently shared with the board the concerns of senior leaders across higher education, especially at the University.
“Pat completes a six-year term on the executive board of CCMA on June 30. She has served on the Nomination Committee to identify and recruit new members to the board. Pat has also hosted the board at the University of Miami to generate vision and strategy for the Association,” said Michael St. Pierre, executive director of CCMA.
Although Whitely has completed her term of service, she said she will continue to advocate for campus ministries and spirituality across higher education.