Arts and Humanities People and Community

Faculty members highlight their Hispanic heritage in their work

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, a few of the University’s Hispanic and Latino faculty members share how they incorporate their culture into their writing, music, or art.
Hispanic Heritage Camfest
Reynaldo "Rey" Sanchez, associate dean for strategic initiatives and innovation at the Frost School of Music, plays guitar with the ensemble "Café con Leche" at CAM Fest. Photo: Gonzalo Mejia/University of Miami

While Hispanic Heritage Month could be celebrated all year in the United States, the holiday was originally meant to coincide with the independence of several Latin American countries. Today, it serves as a reminder to celebrate the many contributions of the nation’s fastest growing demographic.

The following snippets spotlight a few members of the University of Miami faculty, who hail from countries where Spanish or Portuguese is spoken and are esteemed writers, artists, and musicians who have incorporated their background into their work.

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