Academics People and Community

‘I found a true passion for what I was learning’

Sarah Mohammed excelled as a pre-med student in the College of Arts and Sciences and served as the college’s Student Government liaison, helping to foster connections between students and faculty.
Sarah Mohammed
Sarah Mohammed will soon continue her journey as a 'Cane at the Miller School of Medicine. Photo: Sydney Billings/University of Miami

Originally from Parkland, Florida, Sarah Mohammed majored in global health studies, biochemistry, and nutrition. 

Mohammed shares what she loves most about her time at the University, and her plans for the future. 

Why global health studies? How did you get interested in the topic? 

I applied to global health studies because I was interested in learning about the overlap between medicine and public health. I value an interdisciplinary approach to my education, and global health offered a different perspective from the traditional pre-medical path. The pandemic also emphasized the importance of health on a worldwide scale. 

What attracted you to the University? 

UM has a great balance of academics and fun. The research, resources, and opportunities available are endless, and faculty and students seem very passionate about what they are learning. I also wished to be in an environment that pushed me to be better. Outside of that, there are so many places on and off campus to relax! Living so close to Miami is amazing—there is always something to do. 

What kept you here? 

I decided to stay here because I felt like I wasn't just studying to pass a class, but truly learning and growing as an individual. I was able to improve my study skills throughout my time here, and I learned lessons outside of a textbook, such as time management, leadership, and organization. 

What activities were you involved in while at the University?

I am involved in the Committee on Student Organizations (COSO), where I currently serve as chair, and in Student Government, where I serve as the College of Arts and Sciences’ liaison. I also conducted research at the Miller School of Medicine’s Diabetes Research Institute and served as a research assistant at UQUEST. Additionally, I was the director of Science Olympiad at the University. 

How did the University help you to identify a career choice or path? 

Through my classes, I found a true passion for what I was learning. Medicine is a long journey, but UM gave me a newfound excitement for it that I know will carry me through its challenges. Through research, extracurriculars, and classes, my love for medicine grew. 

How has the University prepared you for the future? 

UM has given me amazing opportunities. Through COSO, I was able to gain confidence in my decisions, leadership skills, and abilities. The future path I have is all about mindset, and UM has shaped my attitudes in an invaluable way. 

Who or what made a great impact on your collegiate career at the University? 

The faculty, students, and organizations I participated in all changed my experience here at UM. I am so grateful to all of the friends I met—they made my overall time very memorable. 

What experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? 

I am most proud of the annual event I created, "CAS Takes Over the Rat," during which my college, the College of Arts and Sciences, invites faculty and students to interact outside of the classroom at the Rathskeller restaurant. I am also proud of my work as chair of COSO. I am grateful to have been able to lead an organization that impacts 300+ student organizations. 

What is your favorite campus experience? 

My favorite campus experience and the one I will miss most is the Homecoming fireworks show. I loved seeing all of the students, alumni, and families come to campus and experience the food trucks and the show together. I felt what it meant to be a ’Cane in these moments. 

Who or what will you miss the most about the University? 

I'll miss the spontaneous adventures with my friends, random giveaways on Lakeside Patio, sitting on the Bricks in the Law School under the Miami sun, late night food runs, the Market, and walks in the arboretum. 

What’s next?

Four more years at the U. I'll be continuing my journey at the Miller School of Medicine. I am excited to be a double ’Cane.
