
Get ready for #OneDayOneU Giving Day

This all-digital, 24-hour campaign to benefit the University of Miami kicks off immediately after midnight on Thursday, Oct. 7.
Giving Day

The countdown is on. In just hours the collective power of giving will be in full force as the University of Miami launches its third annual #OneDayOneU Giving Day—an invitation to all students, alumni, parents, friends, and Hurricane fans to join together and make a difference for the U.  

The goal during this 24-hour day of giving is to secure 2,500 donors and unlock up to $350,000 from our generous challenge gift supporters, amplifying the impact of individual contributions. And that impact has the potential to touch every corner of the University, benefiting students, faculty, medical research, academic and campus programs, and the wider community.

Participating in Giving Day is easy, no matter where you are in the world. Give to the area or areas that matter most to you by making an online donation in any amount on Oct. 7 between midnight and 11:59 p.m. EDT.

Share your support and spread the word on your social media channels, using the hashtag #OneDayOneU. You can download digital Giving Day graphics to use on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as your email account, from the Giving Day website.

Social posts will be aggregated and featured on the Giving Day home page. And as the clock ticks you can keep tabs on the leaderboard showing donor count, dollars raised, and challenges met.

“Giving Day is the day when ’Canes from around the globe rally together to support the areas they are most passionate about, and collectively generate hundreds of thousands of dollars for our University,” said Josh Friedman, senior vice president for development and alumni relations. “It is the day when the ’Cane spirit shines brightly and illuminates the impact such generosity can have on the U.”

Find your own Giving Day cause, learn more, and make your gift at