In one of the few studies of its kind, a University of Miami doctoral student and others have documented the particle size of household dust found on children’s hands after play activities.
A team of researchers at the University of Miami is studying how blasts can damage the human body and exploring ways that scientists can prevent further hearing and balance difficulties.
Giulio Palummieri, who finished fourth in the recent Miami Marathon, applies the same persistent, patient approach to his lab research at the Miller School of Medicine as he does to his long-distance training.
The University’s first Miami XR conference attracted industry leaders and educators from across the nation who discussed integrating extended reality in our lives.
New research tracking the meteoric rise of Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, provides guideposts for navigating collaboration and competition in the digital sphere.
A University of Miami ocean sciences Ph.D. student and five others recently returned from an expedition to the North Atlantic where they investigated the impact of Saharan dust and volcanic ash on the ocean’s ecosystem.
New biophysics research at the University of Miami adds to our knowledge about the origins of left-right asymmetry in the body.
A University of Miami astrophysicist collaborated on an X-ray telescope headed to Earth’s nearest celestial body, where the instrument will capture the first-ever images of X-rays emanating from the edges of our planet’s vast magnetosphere.
A team of graduate researchers, led by biology professor Ken Feeley in the University of Miami College of Arts and Sciences, is tracking the growth and decline of pine trees to understand how the preserve’s ecosystem is evolving.
The Office of Institutional Research and Strategic Analytics offers the University community access to internal and external data reporting and resources to support work and research goals. The 2024-2025 Fact Book and Fact Finder are available now online.
A new program encourages undergraduates to work in labs at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.