Research Science and Technology

Shark Show Features UM Researcher

Rosenstiel School shark researcher Neil Hammerschlag appears in a National Geographic show May 22.
Neil Hammerschlag attaches an underwater camera to a tiger shark
UM shark researcher Neil Hammerschlag attaches an underwater camera to a tiger shark during filming for a Nat Geo show. Photo credit: Brian Skerry, National Geographic.
June cover of Nat Geo magazine
National Geographic Magazine's June 2016 Issue

Neil Hammerschlag has been studying, sampling, tagging, and tracking sharks for years, part of his work as research assistant professor at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science and Abess Center for Ecosystem Science & Policy.

Director of the Shark Research & Conservation Program at UM, Hammerschlag is an expert on the ecology and conservation of sharks. He also oversees a popular outreach program that involves citizen science shark-tagging trips and collecting data that contribute to shark conservation efforts.

Hammerschlag is featured in a National Geographic show – Mission Critical: Sharks Under Attack – that will air on Sunday, May 22 at 9 p.m.

In the program, Hammerschlag places a special camera “crittercam” on the dorsal fin of a tiger shark, providing a shark-eye view of the swimming predator. This is part of Hammerschlag’s ongoing research on the behavioral ecology of tiger sharks in the Bahamas.

Learn more about Neil Hammerschlag’s work.
Mission Critical: Sharks Under Attack premieres Sunday, May 22 at 9/8c on Nat Geo WILD. Preview clip.
